Chat GPT now strikes fear into the hearts of teachers, copywriters and anyone else who relies on the written word for their job. What about other services? To be feared or to be embraced… And is there a middle ground?
As a production company AI is already in the way Quite Frankly works, so here are a few examples of how applications are already enhancing and improving our output – possibly unseen and unknown by our clients.
NVIDIA Eye contact corrects the way people look into the camera. One of the hardest asks we make of our interviewees, usually not professional presenters, is to hold the camera lens. Eye flicker, searching left and right, or scanning a screen when reading a teleprompter are natural and understandable – but they do make finished interviews look, well, less convincing. This software tracks the movement of the subject’s eye and gives the interviewee the opportunity to look completely confident in the final product.